Windows 7 Gadgets Stopped Working

  1. My Windows 7 Gadgets Not Working
  2. Windows 7 Gadgets Stopped Working
  3. Win 7 Gadgets Not Working
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  • Solutions For “Windows 7 Gadgets Stopped Working Problems”

There is a chance that you have updated your Windows and you became shocked when you realized that some of your gadgets are not working anymore. It can be a problem if some of the gadgets that you have relied on all this time suddenly do not work anymore. It is also possible that you have already tried various solutions but none of the solutions worked.

Tutorial: You don't need to download any gadgets or malicious programs! WORKING 2020!!!How to repair weather gadget default application from Windows 7. With our Windows 7 gadgets you can do it with only few buttons and minimum efforts. Tools & Utillities. Choose any application of this raw and try it! Tools and utilities will make work with your PC easier and more pleasant. Calendar Gadgets. Convenient calendars for your Windows 7 desktop will remind you about important events in your life. Solutions For “Windows 7 Gadgets Stopped Working Problems” There is a chance that you have updated your Windows and you became shocked when you realized that some of your gadgets are not working anymore. It can be a problem if some of the gadgets that you have relied on all this time suddenly do not work anymore. It is also possible that. Windows 7 Gadgets stopped working. Hi Brayan, I’m not sure if your windows 7 is a 64-bit or a 32-bit but try these steps: Try to check if the gadget you downloaded is for 32-bit or for 64-bit Operating System. Check your computer if it’s a 32-bit or a 64-bit Operating System. To check, right click computer and go to properties. However in windows 7 sidebar with gadget and UAC are related means if you turn of or disable UAC in windows 7 then sidebar will not work. This has been done to prevent users from installing any malicious unsigned desktop gadget in windows 7.

It seems that Microsoft currently disabled the weather and currency gadgets that you have placed on your computer through the security update. Obviously, the gadgets have been disabled due to security reasons. The company figured that with all of the gadgets that are available on your computer, it will be quite easy to access and gain important information like details regarding your bank.

Theories Regarding the Disabling of Some Gadgets

A lot of people have a couple of theories why they think that Microsoft put a stop to some of the gadgets that you have placed on your computer:

Microsoft does not want to support third party gadgets or gadgets that they did not produce as part of your computer.

Microsoft has disabled the gadgets in fear that your security is also being threatened.

These are just theories that may explain why some of the gadgets have stopped working yet you may still be determined to make some of those gadgets work especially if you need them for your everyday life.

You may have already tried adjusting your settings or you may have tried solutions that used to work when your gadgets stopped working in the past but you have to remember that the function has already been removed from the operating system which means that it will be hard to bring it back to the way that it used to be.

Some Solutions to Try

There are some solutions that you may want to try so that you can make your gadgets work again:

1. Trying to Revive the Gadget

Go to C:UsersUSERNAMEAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsLiveServicesCache

Open Config.xml

Right click on the file and click edit.

My Windows 7 Gadgets Not Working

It will open in notepad so go to file and save in notepad without changes.

Wait for 10-20 seconds.

Restart the gadget.

2. Altered Form of the Gadget

Point your mouse pointer towards the gadget and right click.

Click on Properties.

Find Restore Gadgets installed with Windows and click on it.

This will help the gadget become restored to its original setting.

This can then cause a corrupted gadget to start working again because it has been altered back to its original form.

3. Changing the System Locale

Click on Start Button.


Open Region and Language from Clock, Language and Region found in the Control Panel.

Windows 7 Gadgets Stopped Working

Click Formats tab.

Select Locale to Use.

This might help in restoring back the gadget to its original form which can be done by changing the locale.

There is a chance that with the help of these solutions, you will be able to bring back your Windows 7 gadgets to their usual form.

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Microsoft is providing Windows 7 customers with automated solutions designed to resolve issues they might have come across, in which their gadgets are not working properly, or displaying erroneously.

The Redmond company has confirmed problems affecting Windows 7 gadgets, and also indicated that in certain scenarios, the gadgets can stop working altogether.

Additional symptoms involve “Gadgets may appear as black squares, may appear to have vertical green lines down the center or may not appear at all and may have a blue exclamation mark next to it, or calendar gadget may display without dates,” the software giant stated.

It appears that the problems are generated by incorrect settings in the Internet Security Zones, with a range of troubleshooting steps, including System Restore, failing to resolve the issues.

Windows 7 Gadgets Stopped Working

In order to resolve the glitches and get their Windows 7 gadgets working under normal parameters again, customers will need to edit the registry of the operating system.

“Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs,” Microsoft advised.

Win 7 Gadgets Not Working

Windows 7 Gadgets Stopped WorkingWindows

Still, as I’ve already said, the software giant is providing customers with two automated Fix it solutions, which do not require users to make the registry changes manually.

At the same time, Microsoft also provides guidance to help do-it-your-selvers with instructions on how to perform the necessary registry modifications manually.

Microsoft Fix it 50617 – “This package will change the registry value for Value data in the Zones subkey to 0 for you,” the company informs.

“This wizard may be in English only. However, the automatic fix also works for other language versions of Windows.”

In the eventuality that the Fix it solution above does not work, another solution is offered to users, namely Microsoft Fix it 50618 designed to delete the extra (parasite) zone from the Zones subkey.