Mr. Mingolello's 5th And 6th Grade Elahome

Standards in this strand:

O'Dowd NEISD Anime Club Ms. Teaching Schedule: About Me: 1st: Planning 2nd: 6th Grade English 3rd: 6th Grade Pre-AP 4th: 6th Grade English 5th: 6th Grade English 6th: 6th Grade HQ (Flex Class) 7th: 6th Grade English 8th: 6th Grade. September 5th, 2014 Agenda 1. Unpack Standard ELACC8W6 - Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing & present the relationships between info and ideas efficiently as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

Conventions of Standard English:

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
  • (Week 11) May 25-29 6th Grade Home Study Assignments 1) Zoom Meetings: 5th Hour- Zoom Meeting 10 am TUESDAY Join Zoom Meeting: for security purposes, the ZOOM log-in will be sent to your email 2) Schoology: Log-in and Discussion Board No Discussion this week! 3) Brain Pop: 'Distance Learning.
  • 5th hour E9 12:32 -1:30 p.m. 6th hour 1:35 - 2:40 p.m. Seminar Hour 2:10 -2:40 p.m. (WEDNESDAY'S ONly) (SEMINAR - students are able to touch base with teachers for help and clarification on assignments.
Mr. mingolello
Ensure that pronouns are in the proper case (subjective, objective, possessive).
Use intensive pronouns (e.g., myself, ourselves).
Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and person.*
Recognize and correct vague pronouns (i.e., ones with unclear or ambiguous antecedents).*
Recognize variations from standard English in their own and others' writing and speaking, and identify and use strategies to improve expression in conventional language.*
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Use punctuation (commas, parentheses, dashes) to set off nonrestrictive/parenthetical elements.*

Knowledge of Language:

Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
Vary sentence patterns for meaning, reader/listener interest, and style.*
Maintain consistency in style and tone.*

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use:

Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph; a word's position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., audience, auditory, audible).
Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.
Verify the preliminary determination of the meaning of a word or phrase (e.g., by checking the inferred meaning in context or in a dictionary).
Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
Interpret figures of speech (e.g., personification) in context.

Mr. Mingolello's 5th And 6th Grade Ela Homework

Use the relationship between particular words (e.g., cause/effect, part/whole, item/category) to better understand each of the words.
Distinguish among the connotations (associations) of words with similar denotations (definitions) (e.g., stingy, scrimping, economical, unwasteful, thrifty).

Mr. Mingolello's 5th And 6th Grade Ela Homeschool Curriculum

Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.