Download One Year Internship Programs In India

Updated: 8/8/2019

You've mulled over the idea of creating an internship program with management. It's consistently on the agenda at meetings. And you know that many companies of all sizes are already reaping huge rewards from internship programs.

This article is designed to help you take the next steps from convincing management to posting your first internship on Chegg Internships.

Google internship in india
  1. By doing an internship, you will gain experience, learn new skills, and add value to your resume while being paid for your work. Search for internships in India across various streams matching your preferences and apply for free.
  2. By doing an internship, you will gain experience, learn new skills, and add value to your resume while being paid for your work. Search for internships in India across various streams matching your preferences and apply for free.

Occupational Health Internship Program external icon The Occupational Health Internship Program (OHIP) is a full time, paid summer internship designed to link the skills and interests of students with the needs of workers employed in an under-served or high hazard job.

Summer Internships In India

Let's examine the specific benefits of an internship program in more detail.

Download One Year Internship Programs In India

Download One Year Internship Programs In India

  1. Find future employees. An internship program is a year-round recruiting tool. With fall internships, summer internships, semester internships, and quarterly internships, implementing an intern program creates an ongoing pipeline of future full-time employees. And here’s a little extra incentive: At the one-year mark, interns who become full-time employees are almost 30% more likely to still be at your company than are other full-time hires.
    The bottom line: Reduce the drain on company resources from recruiting and hiring by cultivating a pool of star interns to fill your positions as they open up.
  2. Increase visibility on college campuses. Having trouble getting your brand in front of students? With Chegg’s reach to more than 7,000 college campuses, we give you unbeatable access to college students practically everywhere. And if your company impresses one class of interns, word will quickly spread. Soon you'll find that the most sought-after student talent is interested in working with you.
  3. Test-drive the talent. The US Department of Labor estimates the price of a bad hire at around 30% of that employee’s first-year salary. But it’s a human resources reality: Sometimes a new employee makes a solid impression in the interview, but simply doesn't gel with your current team or the way your company operates.
    Because of this, hiring someone as an intern is the most effective way to evaluate his or her potential as a full-time employee. When you 'try out' candidates via a semester or summer internship, you make fewer mistakes when it comes to full-time staffing.

  4. Increase productivity. Gone are the days when interns were in charge of the morning coffee run and menial jobs no one else wanted to do. According to a recent NACE survey, only 8% of intern tasks involved clerical or non-essential work responsibilities, with the other 92% spent on higher-level tasks like data analysis, problem-solving, and logistics. A quality intern can make real contributions to productivity now, helping your full-time staff avoid becoming overburdened by side projects, and freeing them up to accomplish more creative tasks or tasks that require high-level expertise.
  5. Enhance perspective. Interns bring more to the table than just an extra set of hands. Especially in today’s modular teams of 5 to 15 employees, new people bring novel perspectives that can break up the status quo, as well as specialized strengths and skill sets. Include interns in brainstorming sessions to maximize this benefit.
  6. Take advantage of low-cost labor. Interns are an inexpensive resource. The average hourly wage for interns was $19.05 for 2019, significantly lower than the approximately $27.90 national average for all other full-time employees. That’s a more than 30% discount. And you aren't obligated to pay unemployment or a severance package should you not hire them full-time. Moreover, while their wage requirements are modest, they're among the most highly motivated members of the workforce.
  7. Find interns free-of-charge. And speaking of cost savings, Chegg Internships allows you to post as many internships as you want, whenever you want—completely free of charge. By using the world’s largest internship marketplace, you’ll get extensive exposure to the top colleges and candidates, all without putting a dent in your recruiting budget.
  8. Give back to the community. Hiring interns not only helps students in your community get started; it enhances the local workforce as a whole.

    In return, the community will be motivated to support your organization. This makes internship programs an excellent, cost-effective public relations tool.
  9. Close the skills gap. It’s a common problem: Newly minted grads enter the workforce lacking the skills employers need, typically in the softer skills like professionalism, leadership and communicating effectively. Help a student close the gap with real-world experience in an internship, and at the same time develop future grads to be ready to hit the ground running when they start working at your company.

  10. Apply the latest in techniques and technology. College students learn cutting-edge strategies, techniques, and technology in their field. Implementing an internship program gives you direct access to recent developments. As much as your interns will learn from you, you can also learn from them.

  11. Enhance your social media outreach. Similarly, college students typically have social media savvy. A recent survey from the Pew Research Center showed that in the 18-24 demographic, around 75% use Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. Not only that, they’re informed about current events, popular culture, and the best social media trends.

    So if social media is part of your business, interns can enhance your current strategy and build your following. And if you aren’t yet on social media, it’s certainly a good idea. Your interns can help you establish a social media presence and move your business forward.

  12. Foster leadership skills in current employees. As current employees mentor and supervise interns, they’ll gain valuable leadership skills. This can be great training for an employee who will eventually occupy a management position. Supervising interns is often less stressful than supervising already established employees.

    Mentoring and guiding others often motivates employees to hold themselves more accountable and become effective leaders. In this way, adding interns to your company can enhance and multiply leadership.
  13. Improve the overall work environment. With interns on board, employees have a lighter workload, more time for creative or advanced projects, and the opportunity to build confidence and leadership by guiding others.

    Additionally, interns often bring enthusiasm, motivation, and positive energy. This work ethic and positivity can easily rub off on others, improving the overall culture of your company.
  14. Benefit your small- or medium-sized business. When looking for full-time work, the top talent often go for big-name businesses. But when seeking internships, learning is the leading draw.

    Many candidates feel they'll get more hands-on training, real experience, and mentoring opportunities with smaller organizations. If they enjoy the experience, they may stick around for the long haul.

First Year Internships

Employer takeaway: In terms of both today's workload and tomorrow's workforce, starting an internship program is an excellent way to facilitate success at your company.

Take the first step toward reaping these rewards today by posting an internship on Chegg Internships. It’s quick, convenient, and free!